
地址: 安徽天長經(jīng)濟開發(fā)區(qū)


[當(dāng)前欄目:技術(shù)支持]????? [發(fā)布日期:2013-01-14]
自粘直焊漆包線 self-fluxing and self-bonded enamelled wire
直焊性漆包銅圓線 self-fluxing enamelled round copper wire
直焊性漆包線 self-fluxing enamelled wire
直焊性聚氨酯漆包銅圓線 self-fluxing polyurethane enammelled round copper wire
半切線式紙包頭[繞包頭] semi-tangential lapper
半切線式紙包頭[繞包頭] semi-tangential lapping head
繞包頭、旋轉(zhuǎn)式浮拉器 rotating flier
橡皮絕緣編包線 rubber-covered braided
橡皮絕緣編包風(fēng)雨線 rubber-covered braidedweather-proof
橡皮絕緣雙層編包線 rubber-covered double braided
三明治(夾心面包片) sandwich
多層繞包的(電纜)外護層 sandwich covering
線盤包裝機 reel packing machine
誤差率、誤碼率、(漆包線的)針孔數(shù) reeor rate
加固帶繞包頭 reinforcement tape spinner
錢包、小錢袋、手袋 purse
四層聚酯漆包扁銅電磁線 quadruple polyester-coated rectangular copper magnet wire
人造絲包銅線 rayon-covered copper conductor
澆包、鑄勺、澆鑄桶 pouring ladle
澆包、鑄勺、澆鑄桶 pouring-ladle
擠包絕緣電力電纜 power cable with extruded insulation
漆包線漆膜針孔 pinhole of insulation of enamelled wire
油性漆包線漆 plain enamel
平面式繞包頭[紙包頭] plane lapping head
平面式繞包機 plane type lapping machine
塑料薄膜包線 plastic film covered wire
塑料包覆光纖、塑料包層光纖 plastic-clad fiber
聚酰胺漆包線 polyamide enamelled wire
聚酰胺-(酰)亞胺漆包銅圓線 polyamide-imide enamelled round copper wire
聚酰胺-酰亞胺漆包線 polyamide-imide enamelled wire
聚酯漆包銅扁線 polyester enamelled rectangular copper wire
聚酯漆包線 polyester enamelled wire
聚酯漆包扁銅電磁線 polyester-coated rectangular copper magnet wire
聚酯漆包圓銅電磁線 polyester-coated round copper magnet wire
聚酯漆包矩形銅電磁線 polyester-coated square copper magnet wire
聚酯玻璃絲包扁銅電磁線 polyester-glass-fiber-covered rectangular copper magnet wire
聚酯玻璃絲包圓銅電磁線 polyester-glass-fiber-covered round copper magnet wire
聚酯玻璃絲包矩形銅電磁線 polyester-glass-fiber-covered square copper magnet wire
聚酰亞胺漆包銅扁線 polyesterimide enamelled rectangular copper wire
聚酰亞胺漆包鋁圓線 polyesterimide enamelled round aluminium wire
聚酰亞胺/聚酰胺復(fù)合漆包鋁圓線 polyesterimide enamelled round aluminium wire overcoated with polyamide
聚酰亞胺漆包銅圓線 polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire
聚酰亞胺/聚酰胺復(fù)合漆包銅圓線 polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire overcoated with polyamide
聚酰亞胺漆包線 polyesterimide enamelled wire
聚酰亞胺/聚酰胺復(fù)合漆包鋁圓線 polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled round aluminium wire
聚酰亞胺/聚酰胺復(fù)合漆包銅圓線 polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled round coper wire
字形繞包聚乙烯護套 polyethylene sheath of figure-8 formation
聚酰亞胺漆包銅扁線 polyimide enamelled rectangular copper wire
聚酰亞胺漆包銅圓線 polyimide enamelled round copper wire
聚酰亞胺漆包線 polyimide enamelled wire

苍溪县| 宁国市| 封丘县| 花垣县| 边坝县| 巴中市| 鹰潭市| 大庆市| 中山市| 商都县| 长沙市| 博湖县| 新郑市| 渝中区|